Audio delay calculator

Give the tempo and the time signature

Express the length of the delay as fractions of a bar

Musical tempo

Beats per minute
Beats per bar
4 beats
Delay fraction
6/16 bar

Converted to seconds

Length of 1 beat
0.492 sec
2.033 Hz
Length of 1 bar
1.967 sec
0.508 Hz
Delay length
0.738 sec
1.356 Hz

Repeated delays

A repeated delay syncs with the beat after 8 delays = 3 bars

1 reps
737.7 ms
2 reps
1475.4 ms
3 reps
2.213 sec
4 reps
2.951 sec
5 reps
3.689 sec
6 reps
4.426 sec
7 reps
5.164 sec
8 reps
5.902 sec


1 bar2 bars3 bars4 bars
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

How to use this page

If you have a 135 BPM song, and you want a phase modulation of 4 beats (1 bar): that is 1777.6 ms
If you have a 128 BPM song, and you want an audio delay of 2/3 of a beat: this is 312.5 ms

Music calculators & converters

Convert BPM to Hz, bar length, fractions
Audio delay
Calculate audio delay length in msec
Music Frequency
Convert pitch to musical note and wavelength
Song length
Calculate song length from BPM
Music Scale
Generate scales with frequencies
Tap your tempo
Tap to find the BPM of a song or a heartbeat