HTML character list

List of characters

Sorted on nameunicode

ÁÁÁ ááá ÂÂÂ âââ
´´´ ÆÆÆ æææ ÀÀÀ
ààà ℵℵ ΑΑΑ ααα
&&& ∧∧ ∠∠ '''
ÅÅÅ ååå ≈≈ ÃÃÃ
ããã ÄÄÄ äää „„
ΒΒΒ βββ ¦¦¦ ••
∩∩ ÇÇÇ ççç ¸¸¸
¢¢¢ ΧΧΧ χχχ ˆˆˆ
♣♣ ≅≅ ©©© ↵↵
∪∪ ¤¤¤ †† ‡‡
↓↓ ⇓⇓ °°° ΔΔΔ
δδδ ♦♦ ÷÷÷ ÉÉÉ
ééé ÊÊÊ êêê ÈÈÈ
èèè ∅∅      
ΕΕΕ εεε ≡≡ ΗΗΗ
ηηη ÐÐÐ ððð ËËË
ëëë €€ ∃∃ ƒƒƒ
∀∀ ½½½ ¼¼¼ ¾¾¾
⁄⁄ ΓΓΓ γγγ ≥≥
>>> ↔↔ ⇔⇔ ♥♥
…… ÍÍÍ ííí ÎÎÎ
îîî ¡¡¡ ÌÌÌ ììì
ℑℑ ∞∞ ∫∫ ΙΙΙ
ιιι ¿¿¿ ∈∈ ÏÏÏ
ïïï ΚΚΚ κκκ ΛΛΛ
λλλ ⟨〈 ««« ←←
⇐⇐ ⌈⌈ ““ ≤≤
⌊⌊ ∗∗ ◊◊ ‎‎
&lsaquo;&#8249; &lsquo;&#8216; <&lt;&#60; ¯&macr;&#175;
&mdash;&#8212; µ&micro;&#181; ·&middot;&#183; &minus;&#8722;
Μ&Mu;&#924; μ&mu;&#956; &nabla;&#8711;  &nbsp;&#160;
&ndash;&#8211; &ne;&#8800; &ni;&#8715; ¬&not;&#172;
&notin;&#8713; &nsub;&#8836; Ñ&Ntilde;&#209; ñ&ntilde;&#241;
Ν&Nu;&#925; ν&nu;&#957; Ó&Oacute;&#211; ó&oacute;&#243;
Ô&Ocirc;&#212; ô&ocirc;&#244; Œ&OElig;&#338; œ&oelig;&#339;
Ò&Ograve;&#210; ò&ograve;&#242; &oline;&#8254; Ω&Omega;&#937;
ω&omega;&#969; Ο&Omicron;&#927; ο&omicron;&#959; &oplus;&#8853;
&or;&#8744; ª&ordf;&#170; º&ordm;&#186; Ø&Oslash;&#216;
ø&oslash;&#248; Õ&Otilde;&#213; õ&otilde;&#245; &otimes;&#8855;
Ö&Ouml;&#214; ö&ouml;&#246; &para;&#182; &part;&#8706;
&permil;&#8240; &perp;&#8869; Φ&Phi;&#934; φ&phi;&#966;
Π&Pi;&#928; π&pi;&#960; ϖ&piv;&#982; ±&plusmn;&#177;
£&pound;&#163; &prime;&#8242; &Prime;&#8243; &prod;&#8719;
&prop;&#8733; Ψ&Psi;&#936; ψ&psi;&#968; "&quot;&#34;
&radic;&#8730; &rang;&#9002; »&raquo;&#187; &rarr;&#8594;
&rArr;&#8658; &rceil;&#8969; &rdquo;&#8221; &real;&#8476;
®&reg;&#174; &rfloor;&#8971; Ρ&Rho;&#929; ρ&rho;&#961;
&rlm;&#8207; &rsaquo;&#8250; &rsquo;&#8217; &sbquo;&#8218;
Š&Scaron;&#352; š&scaron;&#353; &sdot;&#8901; §&sect;&#167;
­&shy;&#173; Σ&Sigma;&#931; σ&sigma;&#963; ς&sigmaf;&#962;
&sim;&#8764; &spades;&#9824; &sub;&#8834; &sube;&#8838;
&sum;&#8721; &sup;&#8835; ¹&sup1;&#185; ²&sup2;&#178;
³&sup3;&#179; &supe;&#8839; ß&szlig;&#223; Τ&Tau;&#932;
τ&tau;&#964; &there4;&#8756; Θ&Theta;&#920; θ&theta;&#952;
ϑ&thetasym;&#977; &thinsp;&#8201; Þ&THORN;&#222; þ&thorn;&#254;
˜&tilde;&#732; ×&times;&#215; &trade;&#8482; Ú&Uacute;&#218;
ú&uacute;&#250; &uarr;&#8593; &uArr;&#8657; Û&Ucirc;&#219;
û&ucirc;&#251; Ù&Ugrave;&#217; ù&ugrave;&#249; ¨&uml;&#168;
ϒ&upsih;&#978; Υ&Upsilon;&#933; υ&upsilon;&#965; Ü&Uuml;&#220;
ü&uuml;&#252; &weierp;&#8472; Ξ&Xi;&#926; ξ&xi;&#958;
Ý&Yacute;&#221; ý&yacute;&#253; ¥&yen;&#165; ÿ&yuml;&#255;
Ÿ&Yuml;&#376; Ζ&Zeta;&#918; ζ&zeta;&#950; &zwj;&#8205;

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HTML characters?

In HTML (and XML), there are 'character entity reference' that are used to represent non-ASCII characters. E.g. the character '→' can be encoded as &rarr;, to use in a non-Unicode-compatible text format. These characters will follow the style and size of your font.
For Emoji characters like 🥁 and 😆, check the Emoji character map.
