Exponential growth calculator

Some things grow or decay in an exponential way. This means that for every time unit (e.g. a day) the metric changes with ± the same percentage. If you can say "it doubles every _ days" => this means it has exponential growth/increase! If you can say "it drops to half every _ days", it has logarithmic decay/decrease!

Growth calculation

Exponential factor

  • 100 → 110 = multiply by 1.10 (or + 10.00 %) in 1 month(s)
  • multiply by 1.02 (or + 2.22 %) in 1 week
  • multiply by 1.10 (or + 10 %) in 1 month
  • multiply by 3.14 (or + 214 %) in 1 year
  • multiply by 93291.90 in 1 decade
  • goes x 2 every 7.27 month(s)
  • goes x 5 every 1.41 year(s)
  • goes x 10 every 2.01 year(s)
  • goes x 100 every 4.03 year(s)

Extrapolation of data points

start point100 data point
after 7.60 day102interpolation
after 15.21 day105interpolation
after 22.81 day107interpolation
after 30.42 day110 data point
after 5.43 week113extrapolation
after 6.52 week115extrapolation
after 7.60 week118extrapolation
after 8.69 week121extrapolation
after 9.78 week124extrapolation
after 10.86 week127extrapolation
after 11.95 week130extrapolation
after 13.04 week133extrapolation
