Bandwidth conversion

Bandwidth converter Download time calculator Filesize calculator

Mbps network speeds, GB/month data plans, KB/s audio bandwidth, they all express the same thing: data/time. How do you convert from one into the other? This bandwidth calculator tool will help you convert from one to the other.

Convert data/time

1 MB = megabyte = 106 = 1 000 000 bytes

1 MiB = mebibyte = 220 = 1 048 576 bytes


Compare 150 Mbps to bandwidth standards from:
Wired networkInternet uplinkWireless networkMobile dataOptical mediaPeripheralMonitorVideo bitratesCinema bitratesHard diskPCI ExpressMemory cardTape drives

Created with Highcharts 11.1.0Bytes/secCompare to common pci bandwidthsTheoretical data transfer rates - not necessarily realistic valuesBandwidth B/sBandwidth conversionPCI Express 1.0 (per lane)PCI Express 2.0 (per lane)PCI Express 3.0 (per lane)PCI Express 4.0 (per lane)PCI Express 1.0 (16 lanes)PCI Express 2.0 (16 lanes)PCI Express 3.0 (16 lanes)PCI Express 4.0 (16 lanes)10M20M40M60M80M100M200M400M600M800M1G2G4G6G8G10G20G40G60G
