Bandwidth conversion

Bandwidth converter Download time calculator Filesize calculator

Mbps network speeds, GB/month data plans, KB/s audio bandwidth, they all express the same thing: data/time. How do you convert from one into the other? This bandwidth calculator tool will help you convert from one to the other.

Convert data/time

1 MB = megabyte = 106 = 1 000 000 bytes

1 MiB = mebibyte = 220 = 1 048 576 bytes


Compare 326 Mbps to bandwidth standards from:
Wired networkInternet uplinkWireless networkMobile dataOptical mediaPeripheralMonitorVideo bitratesCinema bitratesHard diskPCI ExpressMemory cardTape drives

Created with Highcharts 11.1.0Bytes/secCompare to common peripheral bandwidthsTheoretical data transfer rates - not necessarily realistic valuesBandwidth B/sBandwidth conversionBluetooth v2.1Bluetooth v3.0Firewire 400USB 2.0Firewire 800USB 3.0Thunderbolt 2Thunderbolt 3USB 4200k400k600k800k1M2M4M6M8M10M20M40M60M80M100M200M400M600M800M1G2G4G6G8G10G1…
