Exponential growth calculator

Some things grow or decay in an exponential way. This means that for every time unit (e.g. a day) the metric changes with ± the same percentage. If you can say "it doubles every _ days" => this means it has exponential growth/increase! If you can say "it drops to half every _ days", it has logarithmic decay/decrease!

Growth calculation

Logarithmic decay

  • 2 → 1 = multiply by 0.50 (or -50.00 %) in 5730 year(s)
  • multiply by 0.988 (or -1.2 %) in 1 century
  • goes ÷ 2 every 57.26 century(s)
  • goes ÷ 5 every 132.96 century(s)
  • goes ÷ 10 every 190.22 century(s)
  • goes ÷ 100 every 380.44 century(s)

Extrapolation of data points

start point2.000 data point
after 14.32 century1.682interpolation
after 28.63 century1.414interpolation
after 42.95 century1.189interpolation
after 57.26 century1.000 data point
after 71.58 century0.841extrapolation
after 85.89 century0.707extrapolation
after 100.21 century0.595extrapolation
after 114.52 century0.500extrapolation
after 128.84 century0.420extrapolation
after 143.16 century0.354extrapolation
after 157.47 century0.297extrapolation
after 171.79 century0.250extrapolation
