Framerate conversion

Input duration

3600 frames
60 sec(s)
60 secs / 60
1 min(s)

Conversion 'conform': 60 → 24fps

The total # of frames stays the same
3600 frames
video is slowed down from 60 to 24 fps
As a result, the audio will sound lower
-60% is a lot, your audio might sound unnatural after processing
Correct audio
pitch up by +150% (15.863 semitones)
Convert video
ffmpeg -i [input] -r 24 -filter:v "setpts=2.5*PTS" -y [output]
Convert audio
sox [input] [output] tempo 0.4
ffmpeg -i [input] -filter:a "atempo=0.4" -vn [output]
Duration: time
3600 frames / 24 fps
150.00 sec

Conversion 'interpolate': 60 → 24fps

The total duration stays the same
60 sec
New length
60 seconds * 24 fps
1440 frames
Naive conversion
drop a frame every
2 frames
Convert video
ffmpeg -i [input] -r 24 -y [output]
Convert audio
audio stays exactly the same


  • Calculate # frames from time duration and vice versa. e.g. 93 sec @ 24fps = 2232 frames
  • Calculate how audio and video should be manipulated to change from one framerate to another, using sox and/or ffmpeg
  • When is this necessary? If you have a video that was recorded in 25fps(PAL) or 30fps(NTSC), and you want to show it on a cinema screen: you have to convert the framerate to 24 fps.