Emoji Charmap (Unicode)

All emojis > 🔍

alarm clock
⏲️timer clock
timer clock
🕰️mantelpiece clock
🕰mantelpiece clock
🕛twelve o’clock
🕐one o’clock
🕑two o’clock
🕒three o’clock
🕓four o’clock
🕔five o’clock
🕕six o’clock
🕖seven o’clock
🕗eight o’clock
🕘nine o’clock
🕙ten o’clock
🕚eleven o’clock
🔃clockwise vertical arrows
🔄counterclockwise arrows button

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Examples: arrowsclockscountry flagsfruitsgamesphoneswomen or just some random emojis

Emoji characters?

Emojis (from Japanese 絵文字) are pictographs 🍋 (pictorial symbols) that can be used in text, just like other characters. The way they look 🕶 might change from one browser 🦊 to the other. Emojis are vector-based, so you can scale ↕ them as big as you want. They stay the same for every font 🈂.
For HTML-encoded characters like μ, ⇑ and «, check the HTML character map.
