Emoji Charmap (Unicode)

All emojis

Emoji characters?

Emojis (from Japanese 絵文字) are pictographs 🍋 (pictorial symbols) that can be used in text, just like other characters. The way they look 🕶 might change from one browser 🦊 to the other. Emojis are vector-based, so you can scale ↕ them as big as you want. They stay the same for every font 🈂.
For HTML-encoded characters like μ, ⇑ and «, check the HTML character map.

Search for Emoji description

Examples: arrowsclockscountry flagsfruitsgamesphoneswomen or just some random emojis

Emoji: random 24 characters

🫶   heart hands
👨🏽‍⚖️   man judge: medium skin tone
🧑‍🏭   factory worker
🧑‍🔬   scientist
🧑🏻‍🔬   scientist: light skin tone
🧞‍♀️   woman genie
🚶‍♀   woman walking
👯‍♂   men with bunny ears
🧑🏿‍❤‍💋‍🧑🏻   kiss: person, person, dark skin tone, light skin tone
🕡   six-thirty
🩲   briefs
🪞   mirror
